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W. Raymond Johnson


Dr. en Egiptología por la Universidad de Chicago.




Board of Directors, The Antinoupolis Foundation, Inc, from January, 2011.

Honorary Member of the Spanish Association of Egyptology, Madrid, Spain; 2003 – present.

Visiting Committee member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Department; 2002 – present.

Corresponding Member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; 2001 – present.

Honorary Trustee of the Amarna Research Foundation, 1998 – present.




Director de Campo, Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, 1997-actualidad.

Profesor Asociado NELC, Universidad de Chicago, 2005-actualidad.


Profesor Asociado del Instituto Oriental de la Universidd de Chicago, 2003-actualidad.


Profesor Asistente del Instituto Oriental de la Universidad de Chicago 1997-2003.


Director del Proyecto, Memphis Amenhotep III Reused Block Project, Egypt

Exploration Society, London, Survey of Memphis Expedition, 1995-actualidad.


Director Asistente de la Epigraphic Survey, 1995-1997.


Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1992-1997.

Senior Artist, Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1982-actualidad.Epigraphic artist, Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute, University de Chicago 1979-82.

Miembro de la Mision, University of Chicago/Harvard Expedition to Carthage, Tunisia, 1979.

Miembro de la Mision, University of Chicago Expedition to Quseir, Egypt, 1977-1978 Season.

Miembro de la Mision, University of Chicago Excavations at Chogha Mish, Iran, 1976-1977 Season.

Miembro de la Mision, State of Maine Colonial Pemaquid Excavations, Pemaquid, Maine, U.S.A., 1973-1990.




The Samuel H. Kress Foundation grant for the documentation and research project 'The Revolutionary Role of the Sun in the Reliefs

and Statuary of Amenhotep III,' Sept. 15, 1994 to Sept. 14, 1996.




The Epigraphic Survey, OIP 136, Medinet Habu IX: The Eighteenth Dynasty

Temple Part 1: the Inner Sanctuaries (Chicago, 2009).

Helen Jacquet-Gordon, OIP 123, The Temple of Khonsu, Volume 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety (Chicago, 2003).




The Chicago House Bulletin, 1997-actualidad.


‘The Tetrarchic Architectural Renovation of Luxor Temple: Context, Significance, and the Amun-Re Cult,’ (with James B. Heidel) in The Art of Maintaining an Empire: Roman Wall Paintings at Luxor Temple, The American Research Center in Egypt and Yale University Press (forthcoming).


‘Conservation of the Monuments of Amenhotep III in Luxor Temple,’ presented in the colloquium proceedings In Search for New Concepts and Technologies for Conservation and Preservation of the Colossi of Memnon and the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III, Ministry of State for Antiquities and The Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project, Luxor Museum, March 4, 2012 (forthcoming).


‘Sexual Duality and Goddess Iconography on the Amenhotep IV Sandstone Colossi at Karnak,’ in the Festschrift for Dorothea Arnold, Metropolitan Museum of Art, (forthcoming).


‘The Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago (Chicago House) in Luxor, Egypt,’ in the exhibition catalogue Explorations: Egypt in the Art of Susan Osgood, Rogério Sousa, editor, (University of Porto, Potugal, 2013), 29-38.

‘Akhenaten in Nubia,’ in Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile, edited by Marjorie M. Fisher, Peter Lacovara, Salima Ikram, and Sue D’Auria, (American University in Cairo Press, 2012), 92-93.


‘Same Statues, Different King (Amenhotep IV),’ in KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt (Winter 2012), 49- 54.

The Epigraphic Survey and the ‘Chicago Method’,’ catalogue entry for Picturing the Past: Imaging and Imagining the Ancient Middle East, Oriental Institute Museum exhibition catalogue, Emily Teeter, editor, (Chicago, 2012), 31-38, 110-114.


‘A Ptah-Sokar Barque Procession from Memphis’ in Under the Potter’s Tree: Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 204, edited by David Aston, Bettina Bader, Carla Gallorini, Paul Nicholson, and Sarah Buckingham (Leuven: Peeters, 2011) 531–540.


‘The New Digital Publication Program of the Oriental Institute and Epigraphic Survey, University of Chicago at Medinet Habu’ in Acts of the International Symposium, The Temples of Millions of Years and the Royal Power at Thebes in the New Kingdom: Science and New Technology Applied to Archaeology, edited by Christian LeBlanc and Gihane Zaki (Cairo:

Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2010).


‘Warrior Tutankhamun,’ Archaeology Magazine Volume 63, no. 2 (March-April 2010).


‘Tutankhamun-period Battle Narratives at Luxor,’ KMT Volume 20, no. 4 (Winter 2009-2010): 20-33.

‘Akhenaten in Luxor Temple’ in Jean-Luc Chappaz and Francesco Tiradritti, editors, Akhénaton et Néfertiti. Soleil et ombres des pharaons exhibition

catalogue. Geneva, Switzerland (2008).


‘Western Thebes: History, Change, and Challenges’ (with Mansour Boraik), The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter Vol. 23 Number 2 (September 2008): 8-11.


Three catalogue entries in Jacobus van Dijk, editor, Objects for Eternity:

Egyptian Antiquities. The W. Arnold Meijer Collection, (Von Zabern, 2006): 2,21 A Head of Princess Nebetah; 2.22 A Head of Amun; and 2.37 a Fragment from a Block Statue.


‘A Fragmentary Scene of Ptolemy XII Worshipping the Goddess Mut and her Divine Entourage,’ with J. Brett McClain in Sue D’Aurea, editor,

Servant of Mut: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Fazzini (2007).


‘A Relief of Tutankhamun in the Liverpool Museum from Luxor Temple,’in Peter Brand and Jacobus van Dijk, editors, Causing His Name to

Live: Studies in Egyptian History and Epigraphy in Memory of William J. Murnane (Brill, 2009), 125-128.

'The Luxor Temple wall fragment project,' coauthored with Hiroko Kariya, in Egyptian Archaeology: the Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society,

Number 22 (Spring, 2003): 21-24.


'A Composite Statue of Amenhotep III in the Cairo Museum,' coauthored with Peter Lacovara, in Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World:

Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (AUC Press, Cairo, 2002).


'Luxor’s ground water problems,' in Egyptian Archaeology: the Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society, Number 19 (Autumn, 2001): 10.

'The Small Temple of Amun at Medinet Habu,' in the Bulletin of the American Research Center in Egypt, Number 180, (Summer, 2001): 12-13.


'Catalog Entries 8, 9, 10, 11, and 14,' in The Collector's Eye: Masterpieces of Egyptian Art from the Thalassic Collection, (Atlanta, 2001).


'The Nfrw Collar Reconsidered,' in Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward Wente, SAOC 58 (Chicago, 2000).


‘The Epigraphic Survey in Luxor: The First Seventy-Five Years,’ Oriental Institute News and Notes 164 (Winter, 1999): 1-9.


'The Setting: History, Religion, and Art' in the exhibition catalogue: Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Tutankhamun,

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1999).


'The Reused Decorated Stone Fragment Catalogue,' in Donald S. Whitcomb and Janet H. Johnson, The Medieval Luxor Excavations, 1985-86 Season, Oriental Institute Publications (forthcoming).


'Monuments and Monumental Art under Amenhotep III: Evolution and Meaning,' in Amenhotep III: Perspectives on His Reign, David B.

O'Connor and Eric H. Cline, eds., University of Michigan Press, (Michigan, 1998), pp. 63-94.


‘A Luxor Face Lift,’ Egyptian Archaeology: the Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society, No. 11 (1997): 19-22.


'Amenhotep III and Amarna: Some New Considerations,' Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 82 (1996): 65-82.

‘The Memphis Amenhotep III Reused Block Project,’ Egyptian Archaeology: The Bulletin of the Egypt Exploration Society 9 (September, 1996): 3-5.

‘The Revolutionary Role of the Sun in the Reliefs and Statuary of Amenhotep III,’ Oriental Institute News and Notes 151 (Fall, 1996):1-7.


‘The University of Chicago in Luxor, Egypt,’ Aujourd'hui L'Égypte, Cairo, Egypt (May, 1996).


'A Composite-Statue Element in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,' coauthored with Peter Lacovara and Nicholas Reeves, Revue d'Égyptologie 47 (1996): 173-176.


'The Year of the Goddess,' Chicago House Bulletin VII, No. 1 (December 15, 1995): 1-4.


'The Hidden Kings and Queens of the Luxor Temple Cachette,' in Amarna Letters III (San Francisco, KMT Communications: Winter,1994): 128-149.


'Honorific Figures of Amenhotep III in the Luxor Temple Colonnade Hall,' in For His Ka: Essays in Memory of Klaus Baer, SAOC 55 (Chicago, 1994), pp. 133-144.

'Aïda, Opet, and the Great Flood of '94,' Chicago House Bulletin VI, No. 1 (December 15, 1994): 1-4.

'The Deified Amenhotep III as the Living Re-Horakhty: Stylistic and Iconographic Considerations,' Acts of the Sixth International Congress of Egyptology, (Turin, 1993), pp. 231-236.

'Current Archaeological Work in Luxor: the West Bank,' Chicago House Bulletin IV, No. 2 (April 30, 1993): 1, 3-4.

'Current Archaeological Work in Luxor,' Chicago House Bulletin IV, No. 1 (December 30, 1992): 1, 3-4.

'The Dazzling Sun-Disk: Iconographic Evidence that Amenhotep III

Reigned as the Aten Personified,' KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, (Summer, 1991): 14-23, 60-63, 65-66.

'The Tutankhamun Talatat,' Chicago House Bulletin I, No. 3 (August, 1990): 1-4.

'Images of Amenhotep III in Thebes; Styles and Intentions,' The Art of Amenhotep III: Art Historical Analysis, Lawrence M. Berman, ed., (Cleveland Museum of Art and Indiana University Press, 1990), pp.26-46.

Three articles, 'The Decoration of the Façade' [of the Colonnade Hall of Tutankhamun], 'The Lost Decoration of the Colonnade Hall,' and 'The Identification of the Decorated Stone Fragments [around Luxor Temple] using Stylistic Analysis,' translated into French in Dossiers Histoire et Archeologie No. 101 (January, 1986).

'The Roman Pottery,' in Donald S. Whitcomb and Janet H. Johnson, Quseir el-Qadim, the First Season Report (Cairo, 1979), pp. 67-103.




The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XVI: The God's Wives Chapels: Part 1 (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XV: The Sacred Wells (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XIV: The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple Part 6: the Ptolemaic and Roman Additions (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XIII: The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple Part 5: the Kushite Additions (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XII: The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple Part 4: the Bark Sanctuary (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu XI: The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple Part 3: the Bark Sanctuary Ambulatory (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu X: The Eighteenth Dynasty Temple Part 2: the Akoris Additions (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, OIP 136, Medinet Habu IX: The Eighteenth DynastyTemple Part 1: the Inner Sanctuaries (Chicago, 2009).

The Epigraphic Survey, Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple Volume 3: The Upper Register Fragment Groups and Architecture of the

Colonnade Hall, (in progress).

The Epigraphic Survey, Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple Volume 2: The Façade, Portals, Upper Register Scenes, Columns, Marginalia,

and Statuary in the Colonnade Hall, OIP 116 (Chicago, 1998).

The Epigraphic Survey, Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple Volume 1: The Festival Procession of Opet in the Colonnade Hall, OIP 112

(Chicago, 1994).




Pinhas Delougaz, and Helene J. Kantor, Chogha Mish, Volume 1: The First Five Seasons of Excavations, Parts 1 & 2, OIP 101 (Chicago, 1996).

Robert L. Bradley and Helen B. Camp, The Forts of Pemaquid, Maine: An

Archaeological and Historical Study, Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology 10 (Augusta, Maine, 1994).

Helen Jacquet-Gordon, Le Trésor de Thoutmosis I: La Décoration, Karnak-Nord VI, Fascicule I: Text (Cairo, 1988), figures 23, 27, 28.

The Epigraphic Survey, The Battle Reliefs of Sety I, Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak 4, OIP 107 (Chicago, 1986). W. Murnane, The Penguin Guide to Ancient Egypt (London, 1983).

Harold H. Nelson and William J. Murnane, The Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak I: The Wall Reliefs, Oriental Institute Publications 106 (Chicago, 1981).


Geoffrey T. Martin, The Hidden Tombs of Memphis (London, 1991) for the Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56:2 (April, 1997): 115-118.




‘The Epigraphic Survey in Luxor: Current Activities,’ The Amelia Edwards Memorial Lecture series, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, November 7,



‘Current Documentation, Conservation, and Restoration Work of the Epigraphic

Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago in Collaboration with the Ministry of State for Antiquities in Luxor,’ Supreme Council of Antiquities lecture series, Zamalek, Cairo, November 26, 2012.


‘A Reassessment of Tutankhamun’s Reign and Building Activities in Thebes,’

Danish Egyptological Society, Copenhagen/Arhus, Denmark, November 8/10, 2012.


‘Recent Archaeological Documentation and Conservation Work of the Epigraphic Survey, Oriental institute, University of Chicago,’ University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 8, 2012.


‘Chicago House and the Post-Egyptian Revolution Ministry of State for Antiquities,’Oriental Institute Members’ Lecture series, June 6, 2012.


‘Conservation of the Monuments of Amenhotep III in Luxor Temple,’ presented in the colloquium In Search for New Concepts and Technologies for Conservation and Preservation of the Colossi of Memnon and the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III, Ministry of State for Antiquities and The Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project, Luxor Museum, March 4, 2012.


‘The Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago: Archaeological

Field Activities in Luxor, Egypt,’ Beverly Hills Women’s Club, Los Angeles,and the WMF (World Monuments Fund), June 16, 2011.


‘Analysis and Identity: Amenhotep III and Ramess I in the Michael Carlos Museum, Emory University,’ the Nix Mann Endowed Lecture for 2011 at the Michael C.Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, May 5, 2011.


‘The New Digital Publication Program of the Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago at Medinet Habu,’ Colloquium, The Temples of Millions of Years and the Royal Power at Thebes in the New Kingdom, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Luxor, Egypt, January 3-5 2010.


‘An Hungarian/American Collaboration in Luxor. Recent Work of the Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago at Khonsu Temple, Karnak,’ Colloquium, Hungarian Excavations in the Theban Necropolis: A Celebration of 102 Years of Fieldwork in Egypt. Supreme Council of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt, November 5, 2009.


‘Recent Discoveries in Luxor Lead to a Reassessment of Tutankhamun’s Reign,’ inaugural lecture, the Barbara W. Herman Memorial Lecture series, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, May 20, 2007.


‘Piecing Together and Preserving Egypt’s Magnificant Past,’ Oriental Institute / Graham School of General Studies Seminar, Oriental Institute, May 21, 2005.


‘The Epigraphic Survey: Piecing Together Egypt’s Magnificant Past,’ Ancient Egypt Unwrapped Seminar, Smithsonian Institute and the Oriental Institute, September 18, 2004.


‘The work of Chicago House in Luxor; Past and Present,’ SCA Luxor lecture series, Mummification Museum Luxor; February 28, 2004.


‘Chicago House: the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago in Luxor,


Egyptian Museum, Cairo, lecture series; February 8, 2004.


‘The University of Chicago in Luxor: Eight Decades of Preserving the Past,’ UC2MC (University of Chicago Alumni Association) Looks at the Past, Oriental Institute; September 29, 2002.


'Late Period Sculptural Restorations in Thebes: Three Case Studies.’ Johns Hopkins-University of Chicago Theban Symposium, Baltimore; April 29, 2002.


‘The Epigraphic Survey 1999-2002’ annual ARCE meetings, Baltimore; April 27, 2002.


‘The work of the Epigraphic Survey in Thebes’ ARCE headquarters, Cairo; March 27, 2002.


'New Kingdom Sculpture in the Thalassic Collection,' Michael C. Carlos Museum lecture series, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia; May 30, 2001.


'Chicago and Luxor: Partners in Preservation, 1924 - 2000,' The Fulbright Binational Commission 51st Anniversary Alumni Dinner Keynote Address, Marriot Hotel, Cairo, Egypt; November 2, 2000.


'Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, and the Beginning of the Amarna Period,'The  Classical Art Society of the Art Institute lecture series, Rubloff Auditorium, Art Institute; May 23, 2000.


'The University of Chicago in Egypt: 75 Years at Chicago House,' The University of Chicago Club of Metropolitan Chicago (UC2MC) lecture series, Breasted Hall; September 26, 1999. W. Raymond Johnson - 8


'The Oriental Institute in Egypt: 75 Years at Chicago House,' The Women's Board of the University of Chicago Lecture Series, the University Club; July 20, 1999.


'The Epigraphic Survey on the Occasion of its Seventy-fifth Anniversary,' Keynote Address of the American Research Center in Egypt Fiftieth

Annual Meeting April 23-25, hosted by the Oriental Institute; April 23, 1999.

'The Epigraphic Survey: Past, Present, and Future,' OI Docent Day lecture series; June, 1998.


‘Piecing Together Egypt’s Past,’ Meet the Masters Lecture Series, San Diego Museum of Art; May 13 and 14, 1996.


‘Luxor, Amenhotep III and Amarna,’ Egyptologica ASBL Lecture, Brussels, Belgium; April 15, 1996.


'Amenhotep III and Amarna, ' Friends of the British Museum Lecture Series, British Museum, London; September 22, 1995.


'Amenhotep III at Amarna: Some New Considerations (revised and updated),' Johns Hopkins Department of Near Eastern Studies Seminars; September 16, 1994.


'Amenhotep III at Amarna: Some New Considerations,' Amarna and Post-Amarna Art: Egypt in the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century B.C. New Discoveries and Research. A Symposium on the Occasion of the New Installation of Reliefs from Amarna and Abydos, the Metropolitan Museum of Art; June 6, 1993.


'The Deified Amenhotep III as the Living Re-Horakhty: Stylistic and Iconographic Considerations,' Sixth International Congress of Egyptology, Turin, Italy; September 5, 1991.


'Reused Talatat of Akhenaten,' The Oriental Institute Sunday Lecture Series, University of Chicago; July 16, 1989.


'Amenhotep III and the Aten Cult,' The Friends of Egyptian Art, Boston Museum of Fine Arts lecture series; September 13, 1989.


'An Asiatic Battle Scene of Tutankhamun: Putting Together the Pieces,'The Workshop on the Society and Religion of Ancient Egypt,


Oriental Institute, University of Chicago; May 17, 1989. 'The Deified Amenhotep III and the Cult of the Aten,' The Oriental Institute Summer Lecture Series, University of Chicago; July 13, 1988.


'Block by Block; Reconstructing the Thebes of Amenhotep III,' The Oriental Institute Sunday Lecture Series, University of Chicago; July 10, 1988.


'Images of Amenhotep III in Thebes; Styles and Intentions,' The Cleveland Museum of Art Symposium, The Art of Amenhotep III: Art Historical Analysis, Cleveland Ohio; November 20-21, 1987.


'Relief Fragments of Tutankhamun from the Luxor Temple Area: Work in Progress,' The Egyptological Seminar of New York; Oct. 16, 1987. Respondent, Symposium XIX: Egypt, People of the Sun, University of San Francisco; August 1-3, 1985.


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